Our projects

Organizing and conducting a sensitization campaign in connection with the implementation of the project titled „Újpest Gateway Area Renewal and Urban Rehabilitation Project” with the identification number VEKOP-6.2.1-15-2016-00001, in cooperation with the Municipality of Budapest, IV District, Újpest. The main elements of the project include: preparing a methodological description, a social media campaign, and organizing sensitization programs, events, and workshops.

Implementation: April 27, 2023 – September 15, 2023.
Client: Municipality of Budapest, IV District, Újpest. 

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Launching a research program among domestic employers to prepare a training and workforce development support program aligned with labor market challenges. 

Implementation period: March 6, 2023 – August 31, 2023.
Client: OFA National Employment Public Nonprofit Limited Liability Company

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The thematic knowledge base on workplace rehabilitation was established with the support of the European Union under the framework of the project „Supporting People with Reduced Work Capacity,” identified by EFOP-1.1.1-15-2015-00001.

The topics covered in the knowledge base include:

• People with reduced work capacity and their support system

• The situation of people with reduced work capacity in Hungary and Europe

• The frameworks and possibilities for the integration of people with reduced work capacity

• Development and preparation of people with reduced work capacity for job seeking, employment, and job retention (opportunities, limitations, and risks of employment for people with reduced work capacity)

• HR solutions related to the employment of people with reduced work capacity (from recruitment through employment to retention)

• Incentive tools related to the employment of people with reduced work capacity (from the employee and employer perspective)

• Best practices related to the employment of people with reduced work capacity

• Collection and thematic, searchable processing of laws and regulations related to reduced work capacity and occupational rehabilitation

• Collection of the main characteristics of organizations dealing with people with reduced work capacity and/or occupational rehabilitation (basic data, specific areas of expertise, activities, implemented programs)

Implementation period: December 16, 2022 – April 25, 2023.
Client: Slachta Margit Nationai Social Policy Institute

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Implementation of 30-40- and 50-hour further development programmes for social service providers within the framework of the EFOP priority project 3.8.2-16-2016-0001 “Development of social human resources” for a total of 1700 people in Baranya, Somogy and Tolna counties

Published on March 2, 2020 – September 26, 2020.


Client: Directorate-General for Social Affairs and Child Protection and TwinNet Számítástechnikai és Oktatási Ltd.


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Have a different passion! 2 – prevention program in Veszprém county performance of tasks to be implemented within the framework of the project entitled EFOP-1.8.9-17-2017-00014 ”

  1. Drug prevention, mental and mental hygiene preparation, training
  2. Social skills development training
  3. Saying the science of training

Implementation period: 1 May – 30 June 2020
Client: Veszprém County Child Protection Centre

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“Make your life better, live healthy! – Implementation of training courses in the framework of EFOP-1.8.9-17-2017-00008 project, entitled “Implementation of programs aimed at preventing the development of drug use in the child protection specialist care of Nógrád county”:

  1. Preparation of mentors for training of life management skills
  2. Training for development social skills


Implementation period: March 2020
Client: Nógrád County Child Protection Centre

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Educational methodology training for trainers, educators and training supporters within the framework of project KÖFOP-2.1.4 – VEKOP-16-2016-00001, entitled Development of the human resources management and internal training system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aand Trade II. of the sub-project entitled Renewal of the external training and further training system in foreign affairs

Implementation period: 6, May – 15, November, 2019
Client: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

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Service framework agreement for implementation of social experts tasks within the framework of Operational programme for Human Development Resource and Operational Programme for Persons in Need on the basis of 237/2017 (VIII.18.) Government Regulation.

Implementation period: 4, December, 2018 – 4, December, 2022
Client: Central Human Development Nonprofit Ltd.

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Training courses for 500 persons within the framework of
EFOP-1.2.9-17-2017-00101 project, entitled Establishment and Operation of
Women Centre in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County:

·       Assistant HealthCare Provider (VET) (60 persons)

·       Assistant Social Service Provider (VET) (30

·       Job-seeking techniques training

·       Effective time management training (30 hours)

·       Conflict management training (30 hours)

·       Labour market knowledge training (30 hours)


Implementation period: 10, February 2019 – 31, January, 2021
Client: Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association


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Implementation of qualified further training courses for 3300 persons in the field of social services within the Framework of project EFOP 3.8.2-16-2016-0000, Social Human Resource Development in Western-Danube Region.

Implementation period: 1, November, 2018 – 30, December 2019.
Client: Directorate-General for Social Affairs and Child Protection and TwinNet Számítástechnikai és Oktatási Ltd.

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Preparation of impact assessments of 10 measures within the framework of Monitoring of Municipal Developments II. project, no. KÖFOP-2.3.4.- VEKOP-15-2016-00002”

Implementation period: 18, August – 10, September, 2018
Client: Tenderix Ltd.

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Implementation of organizational screening, diagnosis, input, output climate analysis, organizational cohesion training, elaboration of organizational development plan, evaluation of its implementation, implementation of communication training, case discussion, coaching, supervision, final report within the Framework of Organisational Development Programme as a part of EFOP-1.2.6-VEKOP-17-2017-00001, entitled Family Friendly Country Programme.

Implementation period: 20, July, 2018 – 31, January, 2019
Client: Ministry of Finance

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Implementation of regional interprofessional forums in 7 regions, curriculum development and pilot training on the prevention of labour exploitation within the framework of project named “The Way to the Labour Market”, no. GINOP-5.1.1-15-2015-00001 és a VEKOP-8.1.1-15-2015-00001.

Implementation period: 5, July, 2018 – 30, September, 2019
Client: Ministry of Finance

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In the framework of the project EFOP-5.2.2-17-2017-00057 Transnational Cooperation among Youth Professionals and Organizations, organisation and implementation of

  • professional workshops
  • a study tour
  • field works
  • dissemination event and training


Implementation period: 1, May, 2018 – 31, December, 2019
Client: HÁRFA Network for Regional Development Foundation

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Preparation of a summary study on “Conducting cross-border labour market research and studies” about the labour market situation and labour market mobility in the joint border regions of Hungary, Serbia and Ukraine within the framework of GINOP-5.1.1-15-2015-00001 and VEKOP-8.1.1-15-2015-00001 priority project.

Implementation period: 10, April, 2018 – 10, April, 2019
Client: Ministry for National Economy

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Organizing and conducting a new type of in-house training on customer management at a national level for a total of 234 people within the framework of priorty project called “The Way to the Labour Market”, GINOP-5.1.1-15-2015-00001 és a VEKOP-8.1.1-15-2015-00001.

Implementation period: 10, April, 2018 – 10, April, 2019
Client: Ministry for National Economy With the cooperation of Ex Ante Consulting Office Ltd.

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In the framework of the priority project GINOP-6.1.2-15-2015-00001, “Bridging the Digital Divide”, IKER 1 “Getting Started in the Digital World” and IKER 2 “I use my IT tool on my own” trainings will be implemented continuously from May 2017.

As of 31 May 2020, 2040 completed IKER 1 and 130 completed IKER 2 trainings have been attended by 2040 and 1885 people so far.
Client: National Vocational and Adult Education Office

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Training of info-communication coordinators appointed by the Municipality of 89 settlement centers within the framework of the Elderly Care Info-communication Program for the local level professional support of 1,050 public employees working in the program, conducting local preparations nationwide.

Implementation period: June-July 2017
Client: Helping Hands for Active Years Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd.

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In the framework of the EFOP priority project 3.8.2-16-2016-0001, “Development of social human resources” the implementation of nine 40-hour in-service trainings of social care persons and the social examination was carried out, with the participation of a total of 207 people.

Implementation period: March-May 2017
Client: National Office of Rehabilitation and Social Affairs

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Carrying out ground research and preparing a study on the topic “Exploring the opinions of the partners of the National Employment Service” within the framework of the GINOP-5.1.1-15-2015-00001 and VEKOP-8.1.1-15-2015-00001 priority projects “The way to the labour market”.

Implementation period: February-June 2017
Client: Ministry for National Economy


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Carrying out ground research and preparing a study on the topic “Exploring the opinions of job seekers and employees of the National Employment Service” within the framework of the GINOP-5.1.1-15-2015-00001 and VEKOP-8.1.1-15-2015-00001 priority projects “The way to the labour market”.

Implementation period: February-June 2017
Client: Ministry for National Economy


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“Opportunities for Hungarian workers returning from abroad in the domestic labor market (push-pull factors), with special regard to the impact of Brexit; Recommendations on the re-integration, transferability, employment opportunities and difficulties of returnees ”.

Date of implementation: December, 2016
Client: Ministry for National Economy


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Preparation of a Feasibility Study within the framework of the EFOP-2.2.7-16 project “Development of the infrastructural conditions of the child and youth psychiatric, addiction and mental hygienic care system”.

Implementation period: October 2016 – December 2016
Client: State Health Care Center (ÁEEK)


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Conducting 50 Gender mainstreaming trainings for a total of 462 people across the country in 50 trainings.


    • Gender equality training for 20 central bodies
    • Training for 30 local bodies:

– 15 gender equality trainings
– 15 gender mainstreaming trainings

Implementation period: August 2016 – December 2016
Client: Ministry of the Interior, Directorate General for Civil Service Personnel Development, within the Norwegian project with identification number HU11-0006-PP3-2013


Provision of an organizational development workshop as well as coaching and personal counseling services for the Labour Placement and Coordination Department of the Ministry of National Economy.

  • Organizing and holding 30-hour organizational development workshops for 28 people
  • Coaching, providing personal support counseling services to two senior staff members of the Department, for a period of 10 weeks


Implementation period: August 2016 – October 2016
Client: Ministry for National Economy, in the framework of the project “EURES-T Pannonia Cross Border Partnership’s Activity Plan for 2016”


Preparation of a professional study based on the analysis of the measurement of output competencies based on self-evaluation, elaboration of a self-evaluation questionnaire, conducting a survey on competences within the framework of “Model program for pilot implementation of dual vocational training content”

Implementation period: August 2015 – November 2015
Client: Ministry for National Economy, in the framework of the project TÁMOP-2.2.7.B-3-13/1-2014-0001


Implementation of 80 hours long training courses within the framework of “Establishment a Roma network in the Western Danube Region” Programme.

  • communication
  • civic legal and financial knowledges
  • fundraising


Implementation period: February, 2015 – October, 2015
Client: Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association


Organising a 10 day competence development training in the framework of “Development of homecare social services by providing supporting equipment” programme

Implementation period: August, 2015 – October, 2015
Client:  Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Disabled People, TIOP-3.3.2-12/1-2013-0001


Preparation of a study based on research about the acceptance and knowledge of dual vocational training programs within the framework of “Model program for pilot implementation of dual vocational training content”

Implementation period:  August, 2015 – October, 2015
Client: Ministry for National Economy, TÁMOP-2.2.7-B-3-12/1-2014-0001 project


Validation of 130 occupation (profession) presentation films  and 130 folders within the framework of of the priority project entitled “Content and methodological development of the career guidance system”.

Implementation period:  August, 2015 – October, 2015
Client: Ministry for National Economy, TÁMOP-2.2.2-12/1-2012-0001


Organising team-building training for the staff of the project “I’m learning again!”

Implementation period:  June, 2015 – October, 2015
Client: Ministry for National Economy, TÁMOP-2.1.6-12-1/2012-0001


Organisational development training programmes for 12 in the framework of “Development of homecare social services by providing supporting equipment” programme

Implementation period: November, 2013 – October, 2015
Client:  Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Disabled People, TIOP-3.3.2-12/1-2013-0001


Elaboration of studies about different topics (see below) in the framework of of “Development of homecare social services by providing supporting equipment” programme:

  • Mapping and analysis of supportive technologies for old and new types of needs in the field of social services
  • Analysing a possible service providing model of life support tools for disabled people
    • international overview, feasible alternatives
    • a description of the Hungarian situation related to life support devices
    • an overview of domestic needs and resources
    • proposals for the transformation of service provision


Implementation period: Jun, 2015 – July, 2015
Client:  Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Disabled People, TIOP-3.3.2-12/1-2013-0001


Implementation of training programme for career counselling for 3,692 professionals (social workers, teachers, labour market counsellors, etc.)  involved in career guidance

Implementation period: January 2014 – May, 2015
Client:  National Labour Office, TÁMOP-2.2.2-12/1-2012-0001


Impact assessment of public employment, as well as active and passive labour market instruments within the programme of “Development National Employment Service 2”

Implementation period: May, 2014 – April, 2015
Client:  National Labour Office TÁMOP 1.3.1-12/1-2012-0001


Updating the database (data collection, data processing and data cleaning) in order to modernize the Human Monitoring System of the priority project entitled Modernization of the Social Training System.

Implementation period: November, 2014 – January, 2015
Client:  National Institution for Family and Social Policy, TÁMOP-5.4.10-12-1/2012-0001