Konszenzus Foundation has been operating since 2001.

The basic objective of the Foundation, which has been operating since 2002, is to develop and implement programmes and projects to promote the integration and integration of disadvantaged groups in society, with special emphasis on the social, labour market and ICT fields. A further objective is to resolve conflicts of interest and conflicts of interest arising in the operation of social subsystems and institutions, and to apply and widely disseminate the conflict management and change management techniques and procedures required for this purpose.

For 22 years, we have been delivering adult learning programmes for people from different social groups, with different labour market status and working in diversified professions. We have trained unemployed people with low levels of education, people working in the social and public education sectors, as well as employees and managers of enterprises. Over the last 5 years, the number of people trained and certified by our organisation has exceeded 10,000.

In addition to our adult education activities, social science research plays a significant role, most of which is aimed at assessing one segment of the labour market or the entrepreneurial sphere and formulating proposals for the development of the given area (research on the cross-border labour market, surveys of the opinions of labour market players, assessment of the chances of Hungarian workers returning from abroad, research on dual training).

Organisational development is also one of our core activities. For NGOs and SMEs, we carry out a full organisational and operational due diligence and formulate proposals to ensure a more harmonious and efficient operation.

We are also active in the implementation of international projects. In recent years we have been a partner or lead partner in several Interreg and Erasmus+ projects.

We are an accredited adult education institution according to Hungarian law. Adult education registration number: E-000586/2014